2. Installation Guidelines
2.4.1 LensesAvailable lensesThefollowing lenses are available, or will become available (contact a BARCO service center) as an option :
Lenses Standard version
QFD(1.27:1) R9840400
QFD(2.5:1) R9840290
QFD(1.4-2.1:1) R9840380
QFD(2.1-3.0:1) R9840390
QFD(3.5-4.5:1) R9840060
QFD(4.5-6.0:1) R9840100
QFD(7:1) R9840410
QGD (0.8:1) / SW: (1–1.4)m R9829800
QGD (0.8:1) / SW: (1.7–2.4)m R9840040
QGD(0.86:1) R9840491
2.4.2 Lens selectionHow to select ?1. Determine the required screen width.
2. Determinethe approximate position of the projector in the projection room w ith regard to the screen and measure the projector-
screen distance (PD).
3. Use the lens formulas to find the best corresponding PD w ithr egard to the measured projector-screen distance for the required
screen width.
2.4.3 Lens formulasFormulasLenses Metric Formulas (meter) Inch Formulas (inch)
QFD(1.27:1) PD= 1.29 x SW — 0,0195 + 0,00276 /
PD= 1.29 x SW — 0.768 + 4.278 / SW
QFD(2.5:1) PD= 2.427 x SW + 0,025 + 0,022 / SW PD= 2.427 x SW +0.984 + 34.10 / SW
QFD(1.4-2.1:1) PDmin = 1,44 x SW + 0,0287 — 0,022 /
PDmax = 2,20 x SW — 0,01 + 0,020 / SW
PDmin = 1.44 xSW + 1.13 — 34.10 / SW
PDmax= 2.20 x SW— 0.39 + 31.00 / SW
QFD(2.1-3.0:1) PDmin = 2,13 x SW — 0,10 + 0,056 / SW
PDmax = 2,90 x SW + 0,10 — 0,0745 /
PDmin =2.13xSW—3.937+86.80/
PDmax = 2.90 x SW + 3.937 — 115.48/
QFD(3.4-4.5:1) PDmin = 3,374 x SW — 0,115 + 0,0575 /
PDmax = 4,433 x SW — 0,133 + 0,0556
PDmin = 3.374 x SW — 4.53 + 89.13 /
PDmax = 4.433 x SW — 5.24 + 86.18 /
QFD(4.5-6.0:1) PDmin = 4,29 x SW — 0,02 + 0,0009 /
PDmax = 5,86 x SW + 0,15 + 0,0121 /
PDmin = 4.29 x SW — 0.787 + 1.395 /
PDmax = 5.86 x SW + 5.906 + 18.755 /
QFD(7.0:1) PD= 6,882 x SW — 0,045 + 0,048 / SW PD= 6.882 x SW — 1.772 + 74.4 / SW
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