7. Image Menu
7.5 KeystoneWhat can be done ?
TheKeystone adjustment is used to align the image, this can be necessary when pro jecting undera n on standard angle
How to perform a Keystone correction ?
1. Press MENU to activate the Toolbar
2. Press →to select Image
3. Press ↓to Pull down the Image menu
4. Use ↑or ↓to select Keystone (image 7-7)
5. Press ENTER to confirm
A sliderbox is displayed . (image 7-8)
Use←or →, the numeric keys on th e remote, or the keypad to adjust the keystone.
TheTop and bottom adjustments affect the image differently. (image 7-9, image 7-10)
Topadjustment of the keystone
Bottomadjustment of the keystone
7.6 Color temperatureWhat can be done ?
The color temperature can be selected according to the type of source:
There are 4 different preset color temperatures:
• Projector white
• computer : 9300 K
• Video : 6500 K
• Film : 5400 K
• Broadcast : 3200 K
These calibrated presets can be selected and will provide optimum color tracking, the projector allows however the setting of a
personal color temperature, this is done in custom
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