7. Image Menu
7.9 Input balance
This procedure is reserved to Barco authorized technicians only.
7.10 AGC on Video
AutomaticGain Control: allowsan automatic amplitude (gain) control of the incoming video signal

Enabling/disabling the AGC

1. Press MENU to activate the Toolbar
2. Press to select the Image item
3. Press to Pull down the Image menu
4. Use or to select AGC on Video
5. Press to pull down the menu
6. Use or to enable or disable the AGC
7. Press ENTER
A white bullet shows the active setting
7.11 Manual Gain Control
What can be done ?
Besidethe AGC the re ist he possibilityto manua llys etth e gain of the incoming video signal. When the AGC is enabled (ON), the
manual setting does not affectthe gain, AGCm usttherefore be disabled. The manual gain control must be done on an external
pattern with white areas (grey scale bar pattern)

How to set the Manual Gain Control ?

1. Press MENU to activate the Toolbar
2. Press to select the Image item
3. Press to Pull down the Image menu
4. Use or to select Manual Gain Control
5. Press ENTER
A scrollbar is displayed (image 7-15)
6. Use or , the numeric keys on the remote, o r the keypad to change the gain so as to obtain homogene white parts in the
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