8. Tools Menu
What are the different PiP configurations ?• Full screen1
The fullscreen is used to display one of the selected sources.
Browsingthrough t he sources is possiblew ith the PiP Adjust button on the remote.
• Video in Data1
Thescreen is divided into2 subscree ns the video subscreen isplaced on the data subscreen.
• Data in Video1
Thescreen is divided into2 subscree ns the data subscreen is placed on the video subscreen.
• PiP layout 1–3 2
These are factory layouts, they can be edited and saved.
• Personal layouts
Besidethe 2 fixed layouts and the 3 factorylayouts, on e can set 5 additional (personal) layouts.
1. fixed layout
2. factory layouts
54 R5976455 BARCO ULTRA REALITY 7000 30062003