12. Installation menu
How to program the quick access keys ?
1. Scroll through the menus to the desired menu item
2. Push the desired function key for 3 seconds
Them enu itemis stored in the quick access key
12.6 RS232 baudrateHow to change the baudrate?
1. Press MENU to activate the Toolbar
2. Press →to select the Installation item
3. Press ↓to Pull down the Installation menu
4. Use ↑or ↓to select RS232 baudrate
5. Press →to pull down the menu (image 12-11)
6. Use ↓or ↑to select the desired baudrate
7. Press ENTER
12.7 Network configurationDHCP
Dynamic host configuration protocol
R5976455 BARCOULTRA REALITY 7000 30062003 83