
Alpha Blending
Alpha Blending enables the ability to add transparency to any selected source.
Aspect ratio
horizontal & verticaldimension in which the window will be displayed, e.g. 4 by 3 or 16 by 9.
Color key
Sometimes also called chroma key. This is a method of combining two video images. An example of
chroma keying in action isthe nightly news person standing in front of a giant weather map. In actuality,
the person is standing in frontof a blue or green background and their image is mixed with a computer-
generated weather map. This is how it works: a TV camera is pointed at the person and fed along with
the image of the weather map intoa box. Inside the box, a decision is made. Wherever it sees the blue
or green background, it displays the weather map. Otherwise, it shows the person. So, whenever the
person moves around, the box figuresout where he is, and displays the appropriate image.
Composite VideoBroadcast System. For D320 CVBS module, alsoS-Video and Composite Video avail-
DigitalVisual Interface. DVI is a high speedserial display interface developed in response to the prolifer-
ation of digital flatpanel displays.
Overlap zone
The common area of 2 projector imagesnext to each other. In this zone therewill be soft edge blending,
so that the combined screenswill look like one big screen.
Serial Digital Interface
Slave direct
slave is directlyconnected to the previous digitizer by using the sync clock of the previous one.
Slave resync
slave is directly connected to the previous digitizer but the sync clock is restored.
The layer sequence in which windows willbe displayed in relation to one another.
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