3. Configuration W izard
3.3.6 Defining the working windowsWhat should be done
The deferent desired windows and/orbackground can be defined for each input.
How to define
1. Select a Type(1). (image 3-15)
Possible types:
2. Click in the Name field and enter a name for your source (2).
3. Select the Mode (3).
Single normal Source is only be displayed onone single window
Displayed over the complete screen
4. Click on Add>>.
The window definitionwill be added to the list with the entered specifications.
The total number of windows will be indicated on the bottom of the pane.
Image 3-15
Defining the wording windows
Toscroll through the list of windows, use the red arrows on the bottom of the pane.
Do not use RGB sources to composean multiple background. Dueto the signal fall off,
it is possible that a verticalline will be visible in the overlap area.
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