7. Windowing
Image 7-22
Viewport set up for
IE5.5or lower
Image 7-23
Viewport set up for
XHorizontal startposition of source window in pixels referenced to the input source reference.
YVerticalstart position of source window in pixels referenced to the input source reference.
WHorizontal size of source window in pixels (width)
HVertical size of source window in pixels (height)
7.12.2 Creating a ViewPort for a single sourceBy entering the coordinates1. Select an input (window).
The coordinates for the selected source will be filled out.
2. Click on the ’+’ or ’-’ button next to X, Y,W and H t o create the desired viewport.
click in an input field andenter the desired value with the keyboard.
By dragging with the mouse (only for Internet explorer 6.0)1. Select an input (window).
The coordinates for the selected source will be filled out.
2. Click on the view control icon. (image 7-24)
The View Control window reveals. (image 7-25)
- The colored window indicatesthe actual viewport for the indicated source. Thecolor of the window
is the same as the color of the sourcein the system configuration window.
- The gray background with theindication ’Input source’ is the real size of the input source.
3. Toresize the Viewport, move your mouse to a corner of the colored square. The cursor changes to a
he left mouse buttonand move to the desired position. (image7-26)
4. Tomove the viewport, move your cursor to the center area of the colored square, hold down the left
mouse buttonand move the complete square to the desired position on the input source. (image 7-27)
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