7. Windowing
Image 7-4
Moving via the output box
7.4 Scaling WindowsScaling via the workspace
1. Move your mouse to the corner of a window.
The cursor will change to an arrow cursor under45°. (image 7-5)
2. Click on the corner of a window while holding themouse down.
3. Move the mouse to either down-scale orupscale the selected source, as is required.
The coordinates of the selected window willbe automatically adjusted in the windowing menu box, in
relation to any re-sizing or moves. (image 7-6)
Image 7-5
Start Scaling window
Image 7-6
Scaling thewindow
Scaling via the Window Input Box
1. Select first a window.
2. Change the width and height valueby pushing on the +or -button.
by entering the new values withthe keyboard. (image 7-7)
Note: The left upper corner is fixed during the scaling.
Image 7-7
Scaling via the Output box
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