3. Configuration W izard
How to setup
1. Click in the horizontalinput field of the maximum overlap for entering an overlap for two images next to
each other. (image 3-6)
2. Select with your mouse theactual indicated value.
3. Enter a new value with the keyboard.
The entered value will be de maximum possibleoverlap.
4. Click in the vertical inputfield of the maximum overlap for entering an overlap for two images above
each other.
5. Select with your mouse theactual indicated value.
6. Enter a new value with the keyboard.
The entered value will be de maximum possibleoverlap.
7. When finished with the setup, click on Next>> to continue theset up (see "Current Configuration", page
Image 3-6
Set up overlap area
3.3.2 Based on the output requirements (resolution)
Setup Getting startedHow to start
1. Select Create a new configuration.
The background of the icon in frontof the selection becomes dark green.
2. Click on Next>>.
3. Select based on the output requirements(resolution). (image3-7)
4. Click on Next>>.
The design window via requirementswill be displayed. (image 3-8)
Image 3-7
Design configuration based on requirements
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