3. Configuration W izard
4. The OVERLAPPATTERNtest pattern is by default selected. To select another pattern, click on the drop
down box next to Testpattern and select the desired pattern.. (image 3-37)
5. Check Active to activate pattern.
6. Adjust the overlap area usingthe lens shift of the projector until the outline of the pattern of one projector
matches the green line of the patternon the second projector et vice versa. (image 3-38)
Note: Disable the projector’s test pattern.
7. Click on the <or >button for the next overlap zone and repeat step 6.
8. Adjust eventually the enteredoverlap value by entering a new value or by clicking on the -or +button.
9. Select the OUTLINE pattern and clickNext>> to continue.
Image 3-36
Log window special overlap patterns
Image 3-37
Overlap zone adjustment
Projector 1 Projector 2
Image 3-38
Overlap area adjustment
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