2. Basic Commands
Returned Data
Data [0] = unsigned byte
byte value:
\x00 =OFF;\x01 =ON
Reads the Automatic startup, being \x00 =OFF
Transm it
Start \xfe
Projector address \x01
Command[0] \x21
Command[1] \xa1
Checksum \xc3
Stop \xff
Receive (acknowledge)
Start \xfe
Projector address \x01
Command[0] \x00
Command[1] \x06
Checksum \x07
Stop \xff
Receive (awnser)
Start \xfe
Projector address \x01
Command[0] \x21
Command[1] \xa1
Data[0] \x00
Checksum \xc3
Stop \xff
2.40 Autoimage execute
Executes the Autoimage function on the window defined by the first data byte, the second byte sets the Autoimage settings.
If the data bytes are ommited the Autoimage function will be executed on the active window (window which has the focus) using the
actual Autoimage settings.
78 R5976884 RLM SERIES 04/04/2006