Black Box LPB2810A, LPB2826A, LPB2848A, PoE+ Gigabit Managed Switch Eco user manual Account

Models: LPB2848A LPB2826A LPB2810A PoE+ Gigabit Managed Switch Eco

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Chapter 2: System Configuration

2.2.2 NTP

NTP is Network Time Protocol and is used to sync the network time based Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If you use the NTP mode and select a built-in NTP time server or manually specify an user-defined NTP server as well as Time Zone, the switch will sync the time a short time after pressing yjr <Apply> button. Although it synchronizes the time automatically, NTP does not update the time periodically without user input.

Time Zone is an offset time of GMT. You have to select the time zone first and then perform time sync via NTP because the switch will combine this time zone offset and the updated NTP time to calculate the local time; otherwise, you will not able to get the correct time. The switch supports configurable time zones from –12 to +13 step in one-hour increments.

Default Time zone: +8 Hrs.

Web Interface

To configure Time in the Web interface:

1.Click SYSTEM, NTP.

2.Specify the Time parameter in manual parameters.

3.Click Save.

Figure 2-5: The NTP configuration screen.

Parameter Description

Server 1 to 5: Provide the NTP IPv4 or IPv6 address of this switch. IPv6 address is in 128-bit records represented as eight fields of up to four hexadecimal digits with a colon separating each field (:). For example, in “fe80::215:c5ff:fe03:4dc7“, the symbol “::“ is a special syntax that can be used as a shorthand way of representing multiple 16-bit groups of contiguous zeros; but it can only appear once. It can also represent a legally valid IPv4 address. For example, “::“.

Buttons: These buttons are displayed on the NTP page:

-Save: Click to save changes

-Reset: Click to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously saved values.

2.3 Account

Only an administrator can create, modify, or delete the username and password. An administrator can modify other guest identities’ passwords without confirming the password, but it is necessary to modify the administrator-equivalent identity. A Guest-equivalent identity can modify his password only. Please note that you must confirm administrator/guest identity in the field “Authorization in advance” before configuring the username and password. Only one administrator is permitted to exist and is unable to be deleted. In addition, up to 4 guest accounts may be created.



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Black Box LPB2810A, LPB2826A, LPB2848A, PoE+ Gigabit Managed Switch Eco user manual Account