Managing messages and phone call logs
108 BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Tips for managing messages and phone call logs•Press ALT + I to view all incoming messages on the Messages or Saved Messages screens.
•Press ALT + O to view outgoing messages on the Messages or Saved Messages screens.
•Press ALT + P to view all phone call logs on the Messages or Saved Messages screens.
•Press ALT + S to view all SMS messages on the Messages or Saved Messages screens.
•Press ALT + a shortcut key on the Messages or Saved Messages screens to perform a search
that you have defined.
•Press ALT + U to switch between marking a message or a missed phone call as opened or
•Press M to open the Messages screen on the Home screen or in the Search Results or Saved
Messages applications.
•Press V to open the Saved Messages screen on the Home screen or in the Search Messages or
Messages applications.
•Press S to open the Search Messages screen on the Home screen or in the Saved Messages or
Messages applications.
•Press SPACE on the Select Folder screen, when a folder marked with a plus sign (+) is selected,
to expand and collapse the subfolders.
•Press ENTER on the Select Folder screen to file a message in the selected folder.
•Press BACKSPACE with a date field selected to delete all messages prior to and including the
selected date.