Customizing your handheld’s options
Handheld User Guide 227
ModulesThis screen displays the version number of the installed applications. You cannot
change the information on this screen.
You can view additional information about each module. Select a module for
which you want to view more information and click the trackwheel to view the
menu. Click Module Information.
NetworkThis screen displays your handheld’s network settings.
Radio: Turn on and off your handheld’s radio. In certain situations, such as on an
airplane, it is important to turn off your handheld’s radio to prevent radio
frequency interference. Refer to "Important safety information" on page 9 for
more information on radio frequency interference.
Scan Mode: Set whether you want the handheld to select the current network
automatically or whether you want to select the current network manually. If you
set this field to Automatic, the name of your service provider or network operator
in the handheld status section of the screen changes to Automatic Scan Pending.
After you save the settings on the Network screen, the handheld scans for
available networks and automatically selects the network with the best available
wireless coverage. In most cases, this network is your home network. If you are
Integration with
new or ISP email
If you have integrated your desktop software with a new or ISP email
account, the default Messaging service is Web Client.
Integration with
enterprise email
If you have integrated your desktop software with an enterprise email
account, the default Messaging service is Desktop.
Note: If you have integrated your desktop software with an enterp rise email account
and a new or ISP email account, more than one option appears in the Messaging field.
Press SPACE to select the option that you want to set as your default, and then click the
trackwheel to view the menu. Click Save. All email messages that you send from your
handheld are sent from the default Message Service that you set on this screen.