Using the Phone application
Handheld User Guide 153
2. A dialog box appears with the message Device is locked. Click Emergency
3. Another dialog box appears prompting you to confirm that you want to make
the emergency call. Click Yes.
4. Type a recognized emergency phone number and click the trackwheel.
Your handheld dials the emergency phone number.
Tips for using the Phone applicationNote: When you have a password enabled on your handheld and your SIM card is
removed, your handheld locks. Roll the trackwheel. The Device is locked dialog box
appears. Click Emergency Call to dial the emergency phone number.
If your handheld radio is turned off when you attempt to place an emergency call, the
radio is turned on automatically and the call is placed.
•In number fields, type numbers without using ALT.
•To type a phone number extension, hold the 8 key. When the letter X appears, release the 8
key. Type the phone number extension.
•If your phone number contains letters or if you want to dial by name, press RIGHT SHIFT while
you type the letters. The letters appear on your screen and the handheld translates the letters
into the appropriate numbers.
•On the Phone screen, when you are not connected to a phone call, press SPACE to open the
Enter Phone Number dialog box and type a phone number. Click Call.
•On the Phone screen, type a letter to open the Find screen. All contacts whose names contain
that letter are displayed.
•When you are not connected to a phone call, click the phone key to open the Phone