Using the Phone application
Handheld User Guide 133
Using shortcuts when you place callsYour handheld has built-in shortcuts that you can use when you place calls.
To dial phone numbers quickly
To quickly place calls on the Phone screen, press SPACE. The Enter Phone Number
dialog box appears. Type the phone number and click Call.
To alpha-dial
Usually, in the Phone application, when you press a key, the associated number is
inserted. If the phone number that you want to call cont ains le tters a nd you d o not
know the corresponding numbers, you can dial by holding RIGHT SHIFT as you type
the letters. The letters appear on your screen and the handheld translates the
letters into the appropriate numbers.
If you want to dial a series of letters, such as when you m ust en ter a pe rson’s nam e
in a company directory, you can enter character mode after you are connected to
your call. Press ALT + RIGHT SHIFT. The letter that you press is inserted and the
handheld translates the letters into the appropriate numbers. When character
mode is activated, an up arrow appears in the upper right corner of the Active
Call screen. Press SHIFT again to turn off character mode.
To di al cor po rat e ex te nsi on s
If you regularly call contacts at the same company with different extensions, you
can configure your handheld’s Smart Dialing screen so that you only need to dial
the extension. When you type x, followed by the extension number, the handheld
automatically dials the company’s main phone number as you have set it on the
Smart Dialing screen. After a brief period of time, the extension is dialed. Refer to
"To set corporate dialing" on page 144 for more information on configuring this
Tip: To type a phone number extension, hold the 8 key. When the letter X appears,
release the 8 key. Type the phone number extension.