Using the Browser application
160 BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Setting Browser configuration optionsYour service provider or network operator automatically configures your Browser
application through the Browser service books. These service books set the
default Browser settings, such as whether you can use bookmarks, the default
page that is loaded when you start the Browser, and the address of your home
page. You can view the settings for your current service book on the Browser
Configuration screen. You might be able to choose a specific configuration or
change some of the Browser configuration settings.
To set Browser configuration options
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon. The startup screen appears.
2. Click the trackwheel to view the menu, and then click Options. The Browser
Options screen appears.
3. Click Browser Configuration. The Browser Configuration screen appears.
4. In the Choose Browser Config field, press SPACE to scroll through the
available Browser configurations. Release SPACE when you have set the option
to your preference.
5. In the Home page address field, type the web address for your home page.
This field cannot be empty.
6. In the On startup, load field, press SPACE to select Bookmarks Page, Home
Page, or Last Page Loaded as the first page that you want to view when you
open the Browser application.
7. Click the trackwheel to view the menu and click Save Options.
You return to the Browser Options screen.
Setting general Browser optionsOn the General Properties screen, you can customize the following options:
Note: The Transport CID, Transport UID, Session Timeout, and Constrained
Content Mode fields and the Constrained Navigation, Config Values Editable, and
Secure Access check boxes are preset as part of the Browser application’s service book
configurations. You should not change them. Contact your service provider or network
operator for more information.