Sending and reading SMS messages
78 BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
To screen menu - SMS item
3. Type an SMS-compatible phone number for your contact. Click the
trackwheel to view the menu, and then click Continue.
4. Type a message. After you compose your message, click the trackwheel to
view the menu, and then click Send.
You return to the Messages screen, and you can view the status of your sent
Sending messages using linksYour handheld recognizes phone numbers in the body of messages and converts
them into links. You can select an underlined link and, if the phone number is an
SMS-compatible phone number, use it to send an SMS message.
To send messages using links
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon. The Messages screen appears.
2. Select a received message that contains a link. Click the trackwheel to view
the menu, and then click Open.
3. Select the SMS-compatible phone number link to which you want to send a
message. Click the trackwheel to view the menu, and then click SMS.
Note: When you type your contact’s SMS-compatible number, include the country code
and the area code. If you have set your smart dialing options in the Phone application,
you do not need to type the country code and area code. Refer to "Setting smart dialing
options" on page 144 for more information.