244 BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Fetch Request Failed
because it requires
The web page that you are attempting to load requires
authorization. If a page requires authorization, the Browser
attempts to obtain a valid user name and password three times. If
you supply three incorrect user name and password
combinations, this error appears. This message also appears if
you press ESC when the Browser is asking for a user name and
Click the trackwheel to view the menu and click Refresh to reload
the web page. If you continue to receive this message, try loading
a different web page.
The fetch request
returned a 301 REDIRECT
response without a
location to redirect to
The web page that you are attempting to view has moved, no
longer exists, or the web page that you specified is too old. Verify
the web page address is current and try to load the web page
Unable to parse address If this message appears, the address that you typed might be
incorrect. Try typing the address again.
You may no t be in a n
area covered by wireless
data service
If this message appears, the Browser cannot contact the currently
configured WAP server. You could be in an area that does not
allow service to this particular WAP gateway. Verify that you are in
an area of sufficient GPRS wireless coverage. GPRS and one or
more bars should appear with the wireless coverage indicator in
the handheld status section of the screen.
If you are within an area of GPRS wireless coverage, click the
trackwheel to view the menu and click Refresh to reload the web
If you are still unable to connect to the WAP gateway at this
address, contact your service provider or network operator for
more information.
The Browser
encountered a problem
while processing this
document and is unable
to display it
If this message appears, an error occurred while displaying the
current web page. Click the trackwheel to view the menu and
click Refresh to reload the web page. If you continue to receive
this message when the handheld tries to display the web page,
your Browser could be using the wrong content mode for this
page. Refer to "Setting general Browser options" on page 160 for
more information.
Error Description