Using the Calendar application
Handheld User Guide 195
Managing appointments
You can view, edit, and delete appointments in your chosen Calendar view.

Viewing and editing appointments

You can view or edit appointments at any time.

To view and edit appointments in Day, Agenda, or Week view

1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon. The Calendar screen appears.
Verify that you are in Day, Agenda, or Week view.
2. Select the appointment that you want to view or edit and click the trackwheel
to view the menu. Click Open.
If you select a recurring appointment, you are prompted to indicate whether
you want to view and edit a ll occurrences of the appointment (click Open the
series) or only the selected appointment (click Open this occurrence). The
Appointment Details screen appears.
3. Edit the information in any of the fields. To edit the All Day Event, Start, End,
Duration, Time Zone, or Reminder fields, press SPACE to change options.
Release SPACE when you set the field to your preference.
4. If you edit a recurring appointment, in the Recurrence field, press SPACE to
change the settings.
5. After you view or edit the appointment, click the trackwheel to view the
menu, and then click Save.
You return to the Calendar screen.
If you use Lotus Notes as your desktop email program, you cannot edit the Start,
End, Duration, or Time Zone fields for a saved recurring appointment.
If you use Lotus Notes as your desktop email program, you cannot edit the
recurrence pattern of a saved appointment.