Customizing your handheld’s options
Handheld User Guide 231
Delivery Reports: Select whether you want to be notified when your SMS
message is delivered to the contact. By default, this option is set to Off.
Validity Period: Set the amount of time that the service center keeps the SMS
message if it cannot be delivered to your contact immediately. By default, this
option is set to Max.
Sent As: Set the type of SMS message to send. By default, this option is set to Text.
Number of Previous Items: Select the number of previous SMS messages (sent to
or received from the contact) that you want to be displayed w hen you view a n
SMS message. By default, this option is set to 7.
Service Center: This field displays the phone number for the service center
through which your SMS messages are sent. The default number is provided by
your service provider on your SIM card.
StatusThe Status screen provides information about your handheld and the wireless
network. You cannot change the information on this screen.
Signal: This field shows the strength of your handheld’s network signal, in
decibel milliwatts (dBm).
Battery: This field shows the approximate amount of battery life remaining.
File Free: This field shows the amount of available memory, in bytes, to store
messages, phone call logs, Address Book entries, AutoText entries, memos, tasks,
and appointments.
Note: With this option set to Yes, received SMS messages remain on your SIM card. If
you do not delete SMS messages from your Messages screen on a regular basis, there
might not be enough space on your SIM card to accept incoming SMS messages. If this
is the case, you are prompted to delete some SMS messages before your handheld can
receive any new SMS messages. Incoming SMS messages are held at the network until
there is enough space on your SIM card to accept them.
If you remove your SIM card from your handheld and insert a different one, SMS
messages that are saved on the first SIM card no longer appear on the Messages screen.
If you set this field to No, SMS messages are deleted from the SIM card after they appear
on the Messages screen. When you delete an SMS message from your handheld’s
Messages screen, it is deleted from your SIM card.