Using the Phone application
130 BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Answering phone callsWhen you receive a phone call, you receive visual notification and any other
notification, depending on how you have configured your notification profiles.
Refer to "Customizing notification profiles" on page 213 for more information on
setting your notification profiles.
If you are already connected to a phone call when an incoming phone call is
received, the handheld beeps.
The handheld backlighting turns on automatically when you receive a phone call.
When you receive a new phone call, a dialog box appears on your handheld’s
screen, prompting you to answer or ignore the call.
• If you are not connected to any other phone calls and want to answer the
call, click Answer. You are connected to the call.
Missed Call
with the text Missed Call, this icon indicates an opened missed call;
this icon appears on the Messages screen
if you have voice mail enabled on your account, this icon, with the text
Voicemail, appears beside the unopened message when a new voice
mail message is waiting; this icon appears on the Messages screen
if you have voice mail enabled on your account, this icon, with the text
Voicemail, appears beside the opened message when a new voice
mail message is waiting; this icon appears on the Messages screen
Note: If you are composing an email, PIN, or SMS message or are using another
handheld application when you receive a phone call, the action is interrupted until you
answer or ignore the phone call. If you answer the phone call, the Active Call screen
appears. To return to the last application that you were using, click the trackwheel to
view the menu and click Hide. You return to the last application that you were using.
You cannot press ESC to return to the last application that you were using. Pressing ESC
while on the Active Call screen ends the phone call.
When you receive an incoming call, the contact’s name and phone number appear if
the contact is in your Address Book. The contact’s name and phone number also appear
if you have subscribed to a caller identification service.
Icon Description