ProxySG Content Policy Language Guide
check_authorization( )
In connection with CAD (Caching Authenticated Data) and CPAD (Caching Proxy-Authenticated
Data) support, check_authorization( ) is used when you know that the upstream device
sometimes (not always or never) requires the user to authenticate and be authorized for this object.
Setting the value to yes results in a GIMS (Get If Modified Since) to check authorization upstream,
and the addition of a “Cache-Control: must-revalidate” header to the downstream response.
The default is no.
Layer and Transaction Notes
•Use in <Proxy> and <Cache> layers.
Applies to HTTP and RTSP proxy transactions.
See Also
Conditions: authenticated=, group=,,
http.transparent_authentication=, realm=, user=, user_domain=
•Properties: authenticate( ), authenticate.force( )