ProxySG Content Policy Language Guide
force_exception( )
The force_exception( ) property is similar to exception except that it:
•Cannot be overridden by an allow.
•Overrides any pending termination (that is, if a deny( ) has already been matched, and a force_deny( ) or force_exception( ) is subsequently matched, the latter commits.
•Commits immediately (that is, the first one matched applies).
force_exception(exception_id) force_exception(details)
where details is a text string that will be substituted for $(exception.details) within the specified exception. The details string may also contain CPL substitution patterns.
Layer and Transaction Notes
•Use in <Cache>, <Proxy>, and <Admin> layers.
•Applies to all transactions.
See Also
•Conditions: exception.id=
•Properties: deny( ), exception( ), exception.autopad( ), force_deny( )