3 Tests and Diagnostics | 3.29 LAN/Modem/Bluetooth/IEEE1394 Test Program |
If any problem is detected during the test, the massage FAIL is displayed on the tester machine with the error code as shown below.
The error code begins with the least significant digit.
Error code
Table 3-7 Error code for Bluetooth test (BD_ADDR of the DUT) (1/2)
Error code | Meaning |
0x01 | Unknown HCI Command. |
0x02 | No Connection. |
0x03 | Hardware Failure. |
0x04 | Page Timeout. |
0x05 | Authentication Failure. |
0x06 | Key Missing. |
0x07 | Memory Full. |
0x08 | Connection Timeout. |
0x09 | Max Number Of Connections. |
0x0a | Max Number Of SCO Connections To A Device. |
0x0b | ACL Connection already exists. |
0x0c | Command Disallowed. |
0x0d | Host Rejected due to limited resources. |
0x0e | Host Rejected due to security reasons. |
0x0f | Host Rejected due to remote device is only a personal device. |
0x10 | Host Timeout. |
0x11 | Unsupported Feature or Parameter Value. |
0x12 | Invalid HCI Command Parameters. |
0x13 | Other End Terminated Connection: Used Ended Connection. |
0x14 | Other End Terminated Connection: Low Resources. |
0x15 | Other End Terminated Connection: About to Power Off. |
0x16 | Connection Terminated by Local Host. |
0x17 | Repeated Attempts. |
0x18 | Paring Not Allowed. |
0x19 | Unknown LMP PDU. |
0x1a | Unsupported Remote Feature. |
0x1b | SCO Offset Rejected. |
0x1c | SCO Interval Rejected. |
0x1d | SCO Air Mode Rejected. |
0x1e | Invalid LMP Parameters. |
0x1f | Unspecified Error. |
** See the Specification of the Bluetooth System in detail.
[CONFIDENTIAL] | TECRA S3 Maintenance Manual |