Appendix D: CPL Substitutions
x-bluecoat-special-esc esc Resolves to the escape character (ASCII HEX
x-bluecoat-special-gt gt The greater-than character.
x-bluecoat-special-lf lf The line feed character.
x-bluecoat-special-lt lt The less-than character.
quot quot The double quote character.
slash slash The forward slash character.
Category: status
ELFF CPL Description
x-bluecoat-release-id The release ID of the ProxySG operating
cs-categories All content categories of the request URL.
cs-categories-external All content categories of the request URL that
are defined by an external service.
cs-categories-policy All content categories of the request URL that
are defined by CPL.
cs-categories-provider All content categories of the request URL that
are defined by the current provider.
cs-categories-qualified All content categories of the request URL,
qualified by the provider of the category.
cs-category Single content category of the request URL
r-hierarchy How and where the object was retrieved in
the cache hierarchy.
sc-filter-category category Content filtering category of the request
sc-filter-result Content filtering result: Denied, Proxied or
s-action What type of action the Appliance took to
process this request.
s-cpu-util Average load on the proxy's processor
s-hierarchy How and where the object was retrieved in
the cache hierarchy.
s-icap-info ICAP response information.
s-icap-status ICAP response status.
category-id The SurfControl specific content category ID.
is-denied 1 if the transaction was denied, else 0.
is-proxied 0 if transaction is explicitly proxied, 1 if
transaction is transparently proxied.