ProxySG Content Policy Language Guide
action( )
Selectively enables or disables a specified define action block. The default value is no.
Note: Several define action blocks may be enabled for a transaction. If more than one action selected rewrites the URL or header a specific header, the actions are deemed to conflict and only one will be executed. When detected at runtime, action conflicts will be reported in the event log as a severe event. Action conflicts may also be reported at compilation time.
Replaces: action(action_label) replaces label(action_label)
action(action_label) action.action_label(yesno)
The default value is no for all defined actions.
where action_label is the label of the define action block to be enabled or disabled.
Each of the different syntax variants has a different role in selecting the list of actions applied to the transaction:
•action() enables the specified action block and disables all other actions blocks.
•action.action_label( ) enables or disables the specific action block. Any other action block selections for the transaction are unaltered.
Layer and Transaction Notes
•Use in <Cache>, <Proxy>, and <Exception> layers. The actions specified in the action block must be appropriate to the referencing layer.
See Also
• Definitions: define action