Chapter 4: Property Reference
force_patience_page( )
This property provides control over the application of the default patience page logic.
force_patience_page(yesno) force_patience_page(reason ) force_patience_page.reason(yesno) force_patience_page[reason, ...](yesno)
The default is force_patience_page(no).
Each of the syntax variants has a different role in selecting the portions of patience page logic that will be overridden for the transaction:
•force_patience_page(yesno) sets (yes) or clears (no) all reasons.
•force_patience_page(reason, ..) sets the listed reasons and clears any reasons not listed.
•force_patience_page.reason( ) sets (yes) or clears (no) the specified reason.
•force_patience_page.[reason, ...]( ) sets (yes) or clears (no) the listed reasons.
Layer and Transaction Notes
•Use in <Proxy> layers.
•Applies to HTTP proxy transactions.
See Also
• Properties: patience_page( )