Chapter 2: Managing Content Policy Language
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Understanding Layers
Five types of layers are allowed in any policy file. The layer type determines the kinds of transaction its rules will act upon. The token used in the header identifies the layer type.
Important: Only a subset of the conditions, properties, and actions available in the policy language is permitted within each layer type; the remainder generate
<Admin> Layers
<Admin> layers hold policy that is executed by Administrator transactions. This policy is used to specify an authentication realm; to allow or deny administrative access based on the client’s IP address, credentials, and type of administrator access requesuested (read or write); and to perform any additional logging for administrative access.
Important: When traffic is explicitly proxied, it arrives at the <Admin> layer with the client IP address set to the ProxySG’s IP address; therefore, the client.address= condition is not useful for explicitly proxied traffic.
The syntax is:
<Admin [label]> [admin_condition][admin_properties] ...
•The <Admin> layer defines the transactions evaluated against this policy, and restricts the triggers and properties allowed in the rules used in the layer.
•The optional label, separated from the layer type by space, is a CPL
•The optional admin_condition is a list of triggers, all of which must evaluate to true before the layer content is evaluated. For more information on using conditions, see Chapter 3: "Condition Reference". See also the following Layer Guards section.