Chapter 4: Property Reference
advertisement( )
Determines whether to treat the objects at a particular URL as banner ads to improve performance. If the content is not specific to a particular user or client, then the hit count on the origin server is maintained while the response time is optimized using the following behavior:
•Always serve from the cache if a cached response is available. Ignore any request headers that bypass the cache; for example, Pragma:
•Always cache the response from the origin server, similar to force_cache(all).
•If the request was served from the cache, request the object from the origin server in the background to maintain the origin server's hit count on the ad and also allow ad services to deliver changing ads.
A number of CPL properties affect caching behavior, as listed in the “See Also” section below. Remember that any conflict between their settings is resolved by CPL’s evaluation logic, which uses the property value that was last set when evaluation ends.
advertisement (yesno)
The default value is no.
Layer and Transaction Notes
•Use in <Cache> layers.
•Do not use in <Proxy> layers.
•Applies to HTTP transactions, except FTP over HTTP transactions.
See Also
•Properties: always_verify( ), cache( ), cookie_sensitive( ), pipeline( ), refresh( ), ttl( ), ua_sensitive( )