Ramp Power Operation
Ramp Operating Instructions | Operator Input Switches: The | Halt Conditions: Several condi- |
address the required controller | RA500 Ramp electronic controller | tions can cause a normal se- |
inputs and the corresponding | provides fully automatic operation | quence to terminate (stop): |
ramp functions. Instructions for | of all ramp functions. Ramp func- | • Obstructions (details below) |
customer specific display panels | tions can be performed from any | • Customer Interlock signal lost |
and interlock options will not be | position the platform assembly | (see Customer Interlock) |
addressed due to the bound- | happens to be in at the time the | • Optional platform weight sens- |
less variations in application and | operator input switch is activated. | ing pad senses a load equal to |
installation of the ramp. Manual | The ramp is protected by a stan- | or greater than 15 kilograms |
Operating Instructions are ad- | dard obstruction sensing feature. | (details below) |
dressed in the event of power or |
| • End of travel reached |
equipment failure. | Obstructions: The controller | |
Before Operating Ramp: Al- | touch mode, the ramp will deploy | |
if fully stowed. If the ramp is in | performs obstruction sensing | |
ways park the vehicle on a level | any other position the ramp will | (see RA500 ramp Terminology: |
area, away from vehicle traffic. | stow. The ramp function will con- | Obstruction Sensing) on all stow |
Place the vehicle transmission | tinue until the switch is pressed | and deploy movements of the |
in “Park” and engage the park or | again (indicating stop immedi- | ramp. The selected obstruction |
emergency brake. | ately), the unit reaches the end of | response mode configured in |
Customer Interlock: The ramp | travel, or a “halt condition” occurs | the controller during installation, |
(see Halt Conditions). | either immediately stops the pres- | |
controller requires either a ground |
| ent movement when obstructed, |
or stops and then reverses | ||
of these signals is required but | In | movement for 1 second. Once an |
not both. This signal interlocks | are separate switches for de- | obstruction has halted the ramp, |
the ramp functions. If this inter- | ploy and stow functions. One of | the controller automatically resets |
lock signal is not present, the | the switches must be pressed | and awaits operator input for |
controller will not provide any | and held or locked into position | further operation. |
outputs necessary to operate the | (continuous input signal required) | Weight Sensing Pad (optional): |
ramp. If the interlock signal is | for the RA500 ramp to oper- | |
lost during ramp operation, the | ate. The ramp will move in the | The platform can be equipped |
platform assembly will stop, and | selected direction until the switch | with a weight sensing pad. This |
the controller will not function any | is released (signal interrupted), | optional feature will cause the |
further until the interlock signal is | the unit reaches the end of the | ramp not to operate in the event |
present once again. | travel, or a “halt condition” occurs | that 15 kilograms or more is on |
| (details follow). | the ramp platform. |
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