The Braun RA500 | The RA500 provides fully auto- | Read and become familiar with |
(to be referred to as RA500 | matic operation of ramp functions. | all operation safety precautions, |
throughout this manual) is de- | The electric system is controlled | |
signed for use in | by a electronic controller board | operating instructions and manual |
vehicles. The RA500 provides | which activates an electric motor | operating instructions before at- |
vehicle access to people with | in opposite directions for deploy | tempting operation. |
disabilities (wheelchair passen- | and stow functions (powering a | Terminology: Become familiar |
gers or standees using other type | chain drive system). | |
mobility aids). | Obstruction sensing is a standard | with the terminology that will be |
The | used throughout this manual. | |
feature with the RA500 ramp. | Become familiar with the iden- | |
tric unit requires no | The RA500 also has an optional | tification of RA500 components |
The electrical components are | weight sensitive pad on the ramp | and their functions. Contact your |
internal and easily accessible. | platform. The ramp will not | sales representative or call The |
The RA500 features a 32” wide | operate with 15 kilograms on the | Braun Corporation at |
platform when equipped with the | LIFT® if any of this information is | |
ramp in a 38” wide package. A | weight sensitive pad. | not fully understood. |
“floor pocket” built into the chas- | Instructions are provided for | Direction: The terms “left”, |
sis/floor system allows for simple | ||
installation (dimensional require- | manual operation of the ramp | “right”, “in” and “out” will be used |
ments specified in the Installation | in event of power or equipment | throughout this manual to indicate |
section). | failure. See Manual Override for | direction (as viewed from the out- |
The RA500 is specifically de- | further details. | side of the vehicle looking directly |
| at the ramp). Refer to the Termi- | |
signed to be operated by an |
| nology Illustrations for clarification |
attendant. The ramp is controlled |
| of direction terms. |
by either a |
a “press and hold control”. |