To add a new block:

Alt 1: P a r t N o .


2: M B 0 3 0 2 0 1 _

Hold down c and press r once.

Alt 2: M B 0 3 0 2 0 1

Caps 1: _


This function allows you to separate sections of a line of text by adding tabs. This enables you to create perfectly aligned columns without having to type in several spaces. All tabs have the same length and are measured from either the beginning of the line or the previous tab if there is more than one. The tab length can be set between 0.0 and 30.0 cm.

The text can contain no more than 50 tabs. If 50 tabs have already been added to the text when Q is pressed, the error message “TAB LIMIT!” appears.

To set the tab length:

1Rotate + until 09/21 TAB LENGTH is displayed, and then press + (OR hold down c and press W once). The current tab length is displayed.

2Rotate + (OR press h or e) until the desired length is displayed, or use the number keys to type in the length.

3Press + (OR press r).