☞To type an uppercase letter, hold down s (OR hold down c and press a to turn on Caps mode) before pressing the letter key.
3Press + (OR press r). The accented character is added to the text.
☞To type in a series of accented characters, hold down c before pressing + (OR r). Then, continue adding accented characters by selecting them as explained in step 2, and holding down c while pressing + (OR r). Press just + (OR r) after selecting the last character in the series.
To add the accented character “É”:
1Rotate + until 20/21 ACCENT is displayed,
and then press + (OR hold down c and |
press Z). |
Alt | A C C E N T | |
| Caps | a – y / A – U ? |
2Rotate + (OR hold down s and press
E, and then press w) until É appears in the
Caps | Ë É È Ê |
3Press + (OR press r).
Caps 1: R E S U M É _
In addition to the letters, symbols and numerals on the key tops, there are 56 additional marks available with the Symbol function.