Scan Business Cards
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appear and display the number of scanned pages. The scanned image appears in the image viewer.
If the Scanning Completed dialog box does not appear and you want to display the number of scanned
pages, check the Display Scanning Results check box.
7Click the left or right arrow buttons to preview each scanned document.
8Do one of the following:
•Click the (Save) button to save the scanned data. See Save Scanned Documents.
•Click the (Open with an Application ) button to open the scanned data in another application. See
Open with an Application.
•Click the (Send E -mail) button to attach the scanned data to an E-mail. See Send E- mail.
•Click the (OCR) button to scan to an editable text file. See Scan to Editable Text File (OCR).
Certain kinds of business cards and thick paper might be detected as being multi- fed by the Multifeed detector,
even though they were fed properly. In this case, set Multifeed Detection to Off.
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