Control Panel Overview
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1. Error Indicator (with LED)
The Error Indicator indicates that the machine is in one of the following states:
Document Jam / Front Cover is Open / Unusable Device / Unsupported Device / Multifeed Detection etc.
2. Power Indicator (with LED)
It will blink depending on the status of the machine.
3. Stop key
Job Cancel / Wake-up / Error Recovery / Disconnect Remote Setup
4. Scan to PC key (with LED)
Scan to PC / Wake-up etc.
5. Scan to USB key (with LED)
Scan to USB / Wake-up etc.
•LED Indications
•Service Call Indications
LED Indications
The LED indications shown in the table below are used in the illustrations in this chapter.
or The LED is off.
or or The LED is on.
or or The LED is blinking.
LEDs Machine Status