Scan to Editable Text File (OCR)
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Scan to Editable Text File (OCR)
The (OCR) button lets you scan a document and convert it to text. This text can be edited using your favorite
word processing software.
Nuance™ PaperPort™12SE must be installed on your computer.
1Load your document.
2Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
You can also start ControlCenter4 by doing one of the following:
(Windows® XP, Windows Vista®)
Double-click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray.
Click ControlCenter4 located in Start/All Programs/Brother/ADS-XXXX (where XXXX is your model
3Select the Scan tab.
4Select Monochrome Text in the Document Type option.
5Change the scan size if needed (see Change the Scan Size).
6Click the (Scan) button.
The machine starts scanning, and then the Scanning Completed dialog box will appear and display the number
of scanned pages. The scanned image appears in the image viewer.