Scan Two Pages and Combine Them on One Page (2 in 1)
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/mcampbell.AM/My%20Documents/ADS2000solutions/chapter4_4_4.html[3/11/2013 10:25:05 AM]
Scan Two Pages and Combine Them on One Page (2 in 1)
1Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the menu bar and then select Open.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
If (ControlCenter2) icon is not displayed in the menu bar, double-click the ControlCenter icon.
The ControlCenter icon is in Macintosh HD/Applications/Brother.
The (ControlCenter2) icon will appear in the menu bar.
2While holding down the Control key click a button for the Scan-to action you want to change (Image, OCR, E-
mail, or File). The Scan-to action setting dialog box will appear (the example below uses Image).
3Click the Device Button tab.