Scan Documents Wider than Letter
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/mcampbell.AM/My%20Documents/ADS2000solutions/chapter3_5_11.html[3/11/2013 10:24:49 AM]
Scan Documents Wider than Letter
1Load the Carrier Sheet (see Loading Documents Wider than Letter Size).
Load only one Carrier Sheet at a time.
2Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the menu bar and then select Open.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
If (ControlCenter2) icon is not displayed in the menu bar, double-click the ControlCenter icon.
The ControlCenter icon is in Macintosh HD/Applications/Brother.
The (ControlCenter2) icon will appear in the menu bar.
3While holding down the Control key click the button in the SCAN tab for the Scan-to action you want to change
(Image, OCR, E-mail , or File). The settings dialog box will appear (the example below uses Image).