Use NewSoft Presto! BizCard 5 (Macintosh)
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Use NewSoft Presto! BizCard 5 (Macintosh)
Presto! BizCard lets you manage the information from scanned business cards, such as names, companies, mailing
addresses, phone/fax numbers and e-mail addresses, on your computer. Simply scan, or import your business cards
and Presto! BizCard automatically saves the data and image for each card. Different viewing modes are available for
easy searching, editing, creating, and sorting.
Installing NewSoft Presto! BizCard 5
1Insert the supplied DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM drive.
2Double-click the BROTHER icon on your desktop.
3Double-click Utilities.
4Double-click the BizCard Installer icon.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
For details, see the NewSoft Presto! BizCard 5 user’s guide by clicking on Help on the menu bar, then Using Help.
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