12Using the Brother DCP with
12 a New Power Macintosh® G3, G4 or iMac™/iBook
Set up Your USB Equipped Apple® Macintosh® G3,G4, iMac™ or iBook with
Mac OS 8.5/8.51/8.6/9.0/9.0.4/9.1
Note Before you can connect the DCP to your Macintosh®, you must purchase a USB cable that is no longer than 6 feet (1.8 meters).
To work with your DCP your USB Equipped Apple® Macintosh® must be set up with Mac OS 8.5/8.51/8.6/9.0/9.0.4/9.1 (The Brother Scanner Driver works only with Mac OS 8.6/9.0/9.0.4/9.1)
Using Brother Printer Driver with Your Apple® Macintosh®
To select the Printer:
1From the Apple menu, open the Chooser.
12 - 1 U S I N G T H E B R O T H E R D C P W I T H A N E W P O W E R M A C I N T O S H ® G 3 , G 4 O R I M A C ™/ I B O O K