Destination Folder
PaperPort Files (*.MAX)
Self Viewing Files (*.EXE)
PaperPort 5.0 Files (*.MAX)
PaperPort 4.0 Files (*.MAX)
PaperPort 3.0 Files (*.MAX)
Windows Bitmap (*.BMP)
PC Paintbrush (*.PCX)
JPEG Image Files (*.JPG)
TIFF Group 4 (*.TIF)
TIFF Class F (*.TIF)
PDF Files (*.PDF)
Portable Network Graphics (*.PNG)
FlashPix (*.FPX)
HFX Fax Files (*.HFX)
To Search your system for the directory and folder you want, click the Browse… button. Click OK to save your settings.
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U S I N G T H E W I N D O W S ®- B A S E D B R O T H E R M F L - P R O C O N T R O L C E N T E R | 9 - 8 |