Difficulty | Cause | Suggestions |
Your document is too thin. | Check that your document is acceptable (see Doc- |
| |
in the scanned image. |
| |
| The contrast setting is improper. | Increase the contrast level. |
| For Windows®: see Image settings on page 28. |
| For Macintosh: see Image settings on page 36. |
When I want to scan in | You can change only part of the set- | For more information about the settings, see step 4 |
SD mode, is it possible | tings. |
| |
to change the paper |
size, the image quality, |
etc. on my scanner? |
The duplex scanning settings are not | Launch DSmobileCapture, click the Image tab, |
| |
Duplex scanning can- | configured in DSmobileCapture. | and then select the Duplex check box. |
not be performed. | The scan mode of the scanner is set to | Press the scanner’s 2 side / 1 side button so that 2 |
| 1 side (in SD mode). | appears on the LCD. |
Software difficulties |
| |
Difficulty | Cause | Suggestions |
When I press Scan in | This error message appears if your | 1. Make sure your scanner is connected properly. |
my scanning software, | scanner isn’t recognized by your com- | 2. Confirm that the Micro USB Cable is working and |
an error message ap- | puter. |
| |
that it is not frayed or damaged in any way. |
| ||
pears: Please install |
| |
| If the error still appears after verifying that the Micro |
| |
scanner or The scan |
| |
was aborted because |
| USB Cable is connected properly, reinstall the |
the scanner is not |
| scanner driver from the |
powered on or not |
connected properly. |
I cannot install the | You may not have been given adminis- | Log into Windows® with administrator rights. | 12 |
scanner drivers. | trator privileges. |
| |
(Windows®) |
I cannot install the | You may not have been given adminis- | From Apple menu, select System Preferences > |
scanner drivers. | trator privileges. | System > Users & Groups. The left pane of the |
(Macintosh) |
| window will list the current accounts, one of which |
| should be your name with the word “Admin” under- |
| neath. If this is not the case, contact your system |
| administrator. |