1/4" (6 mm)-wide laminated tapes
* All tapes are 26.2’ long unless otherwise noted
Stock No. Description Price
TZ111 Black on Clear 12.99
TZ211 Black on White 14.99
TZ315 White on Black 17.99
Stock No. Description For Use With Price
PS9000 Print Server PT9500PC 499.95
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1. Call us Toll Free at 1-888-879-3232 and use a major credit card.
2. Visit us online at www.brothermall.com and use a major credit card.
3. Complete the order form (on the later) and fax it to us at 1-800-947-1445
4. Complete the order form (on the later) and mail it t o us as directed.
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take a few minutes to register at www.registermybrother.com