(5.) Reverse Phase 3 fault code indication
(6.) Welded Contactor fault code indication
(7.) Low Voltage fault code indication
(8.) Anti--short cycle protection
(9.) Phase reversal protection
2. Minimum safety devices which are equipped with automatic reset (after resetting first at thermostat), shall in-
a. High discharge pressure cutout.
b. Low pressure cutout.
H. Operating Characteristics:
1. The capacity of the condensing unit shall meet or exceed _____ Btuh at a suction temperature of ______F. The
power consumption at full load shall not exceed _____ kW.
2. The combination of the condensing unit and the evaporator or fan coil unit shall have a total net cooling capacity
of _____ Btuh or greater at conditions of _____ cfm entering-air temperature at the evaporator at ______Fwet
bulb and ______F dry bulb, and air entering the condensing unit at ______F.
3. The system shall have an EER of _____ Btuh/Watt or greater at standard AHRI conditions.
4. Standard unit shall be capable to operate up to 125_F(52_C)anddownto40_F(4_C)
I. Electrical Requirements:
1. Nominal unit electrical characteristics shall be _____ v, 3-ph, 60 Hz. The unit shall be capable of satisfactory
operation within voltage limits of ____ v to _____ v.
2. Unit electrical power shall be single-point connection.
3. Unit control circuit shall contain a 24-v transformer for unit control.
J. Special Features:
1. Low-Ambient Temperature Control:
A low-ambient temperature control shall be available as a factory-installed option or as a field-installed accessory.
This low-ambient control shall regulate speed of the condenser-fan motors in response to the saturated condensing
temperature of the unit. The control shall maintain correct condensing pressure at outdoor temperatures down to
2. Unit-Mounted, Non-Fused Disconnect Switch:
Switch shall be factory-installed and internally mounted. NEC and UL-approved non-fused switch shall provide
unit power shutoff. Switch shall be accessible from outside the unit and shall provide power off lockout capability.
Non--fused disconnect switch cannot be used when unit MOCP electrical rating exceeds 80 amps.
3. Convenience Outlet:
Outlet shall be factory-installed and internally mounted with easily accessible 115-v female receptacle. Outlet
shall include 15 amp GFI (ground fault interrupter) receptacle with independent fuse protection. Voltage required
to operate convenience outlet shall be provided by a factory-installed step-down transformer. Outlet shall be ac-
cessible from outside the unit.
4. Thermostat Controls:
a. Programmable multi-stage thermostat shall have 7-day clock, holiday scheduling, large backlit display, remote
sensor capability, and Title 24 compliance.
b. Commercial Electronic Thermostat shall have 7-day time clock, auto-changeover, multi-stage capability, and
large LCD (liquid crystal display) temperature display.
5. Louvered hail Guard Package:
Louvered hail guard package shall protect coils against damage from hail and other flying debris.
6. Condenser Coil Grille (Novation coil models 07--14):
Grille shall add decorative appearance to unit and protect condenser coil from large objects and vandalism.