Modify Profile:
Modifying profiles allows you to edit specific portions of existing profiles without the need for recreating them entirely. This may be used if a wireless network’s encryption key has changed, or if IP addressing has changed.
To modify a profile, use the remote control’s navigation keys to go through the wizard. Once modifying a profile, the wizard is identical to the wizard used to create a network. If you need further assistance, follow the instructions available under the ‘Create New Profile’.
Connect to Profile:
Connecting to a profile just instructs the LinkTheater to connect to a specific, existing network profile. If you wish to connect to a different profile than the one you are currently connected to, then select the profile using the remote’s navigational arrows and press the right arrow.
Once connected to the new profile, you will remain on the network until you connect to another profile, add a new profile, or restart the LinkTheater. If you wish to make a network profile the preferred or default profile, then please see the ‘Profile Startup Order’ section of this guide.