I. Optional Exterior Separate Horizontal Vent/Air Intake Terminal Mounting – See Figures 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22.
1.Do not exceed maximum vent/air intake lengths. Refer to Table 4.
2.This installation will allow a maximum of seven (7) feet vertical exterior run of the vent/air intake piping to be installed on separate horizontal venting and indoor air horizontal venting.
Exterior run to be included in equivalent vent/air intake lengths.
d.At top of vent pipe length install an AL
e.If installation requires indoor air, install
f.Install horizontal vent terminal (provided with boiler).
g.Brace piping if required.
3.Install vent piping.
a.Install vent piping for desired venting system.
Refer to specific section for details for vent pipe installation.
b.After penetrating wall/thimble, install an
c.Install maximum of seven (7) feet of AL
4.Air Intake Piping (not required for indoor air).
a.Install air intake piping for desired venting system. Refer to specific section for details for air intake installation.
b.After penetrating wall, install a corrosion resistant 90o elbow so that elbow leg is in the up direction.
c.Install maximum of seven (7) feet of corrosion resistant air intake pipe.
d.At top of air intake pipe install air intake terminal (provided with boiler).
e.Brace piping if required.
Figure 17: Optional Separate Horizontal Air 3” or 4” Intake Terminal Installation