
Thank you for purchasing this Cambridge Audio iD100 digital iPod® dock. We are confident that you will enjoy many years of listening pleasure from it. Like all CambridgeAudioproductstheiD100adherestothreecore principles – stunning performance, ease of use and incrediblevalue.

TheiD100enablesyoutogettheverybestaudioandvideo qualityfrommostvariantsoftheiPod.TheiD100alsoworks withtheiPodfeatureoftheiPhone® andiPad.

TheiD100accessestheaudioonthedockedAppleproduct digitally providing a bit-perfect low jitter digital output via S/P DIF, Toslink or AES/EBU connections. These can be connected to the digital inputs of a suitable DAC, Digital AmplifierorthedigitalinputsonmanyA/VReceiversetc. The iD100 allows the digital output of any audio file your Apple product itself supports including lossless files for unprecedentedsoundquality.

Inaddition,videooutputsviaCompositeVideo,S-Videoor ComponentVideo*allowtheviewingofvideocontent. The supplied remote allows browsing of the iPod / iPad / iPhoneviaitsowndisplay.

ChargingandSyncingoftheiPodcanbothbeturnedOnor Offviatheremotewhichcanalsocontrolbasicfeaturesof CambridgeAudioAmplifiersandReceivers.TheiD100also features an environmentally friendly low power (<1w) standbycircuit.



Ultimatesoundqualitydependsonthewholeofyoursystem your dealer can also supply excellent quality Cambridge Audiointerconnectstoensureyoursystemrealisesitsfull potential.

Thank you for taking the time to read this manual;we do recommendyoukeepitforfuturereference.


CambridgeAudioTechnicalDirector andtheiD100developmentteam.



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Cambridge Audio ID100 user manual Introduction