

For output to a separate DAC or the digital input on an amplifierorA/Vreceiver.Toobtainbestresults,useahigh quality 75ohm digital RCA interconnect cable (not one designedfornormalaudiouse).


UsedtoconnecttotheinputofaseparateDACorthedigital input on an amplifier or A/V receiver. Use a high quality TOSLINKfibreopticinterconnectcable.


Used to connect to a separate DAC or the digital input on an amplifier or A/V receiver that supports the AES/EBU balanceddigitalinputstandard.

A 110 ohm balanced XLR cable designed for AES/EBU digitalaudioisrequired.

To obtain the best results from your system we recommend using only high quality Cambridge Audio interconnects.Thiswillensurethatyouhearyoursystem aswedesignedit.Pleaseaskyoudealerfordetails.


AnIRinputisalsoprovidedthatallowsmodulatedIRremote control commands to be received electrically by the unit. This is for connection to the IR Emitter Out for suitable repeatersorcustominstallsystems.


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Cambridge Audio ID100 Rearpanelconnections, P-DIFOutputsRCA/Phono&Optical, TOSLINKOpticaldigitaloutput, AES/EBUXLRoutput